Antisocial parking
Reported via iOS in the Abandoned vehicles category anonymously at 21:39, Tuesday 21 January 2025
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 7013934.
This vehicle parks here on frequent occasions sometimes for days at a time and leaves the residents that actually live in this part of the street no other choice than to park some distance away and having to walk back to their own houses! She claims she does not have any suitable parking but I have witnessed on several occasions that she has her driveway and leaves her car there frequently with no hassle at all! She blocks the area where it has been known up to 2-3 cars can be parked and she does so while being rude to the residents that politely ask her to park considerately and be aware of the of the space she is blocking. This has been happening now for months and it is not fair! She is potentially blocking access for emergency vehicles for the disabled and elderly residents that actually live next to this area of road and she disregards this like it wouldn’t happen well let’s hope it doesn’t!
An officer will investigate the vehicle and if on inspection it is considered to be abandoned, a notice will be issued.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 21:39, Tuesday 21 January 2025
State changed to: Investigating
Updated by Buckinghamshire Council at 21:50, Tuesday 21 January 2025
State changed to: No further action
Updated by Buckinghamshire Council at 12:30, Thursday 23 January 2025
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.