Bollard reinstatement.
Reported via desktop in the Bollards or railings category anonymously at 11:03, Friday 17 January 2025
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6993762.
Bollards have been knocked down on grass area meaning vehicles are parking on it. Please can bollards be reinstated as there is also a water stop cock on the grass.
This has been passed to a Highways Officer to investigate the enquiry/issue.
An inspection will be carried out within the next 20 working days, if a replacement bollard/railing is required, this may take up to 12-14 weeks as we do not hold these items in stock. Please note, if the issue reported is a danger to the public, we will make the area safe until a permanent fix can be scheduled in.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 11:04, Friday 17 January 2025
Buckinghamshire Highways operates two methods for safety defect identification; proactively by Highway Inspectors who identify safety defects in line with Buckinghamshire Councils' Highways Safety Inspection Policy and reactively by Local Area Technicians following reports from the public. On receipt of reports, our Highway Inspection team make an assessment, determine if works are required and if so, the appropriate response times and repair method. It is in these instances only the larger defects are repaired; those which meet the safety intervention levels as outlined in the Inspection Policy. Any remaining defects are monitored for deterioration and added to other programmes of work for repair when resources are available. We also monitor and inspect the quality of repairs aiming to ensure that any work is carried out to the best and most appropriate standard.Whilst priority defects will receive a repair within appropriate timescales as dictated by the above policy, more minor defects such as the defect you have reported may not be immediately scheduled for repair. An order for a repair remains in our system for when resource allows and we will continue to monitor the location for any further deterioration.
State changed to: No further action
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 12:19, Monday 27 January 2025
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