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Road outside Stoke Poges Memorial Gardens

Reported via desktop in the Snow and ice problem/winter salting category anonymously at 09:27, Wednesday 15 January 2025

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6982135.

There have been several accidents recently due to black ice on the road. One on 23rd November 2024 and two on 9th January 2025. Cars travelling from Slough in the direction of Stoke Poges skidded on the ice and caused damage to the Memorial Gardens front wall and a neighbours property. There is a lot of water run off from higher ground in this area, which turns to ice in freezing conditions. Regular gritting and traffic calming on this fast and busy road would be really helpful.

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  • This has been passed to our Winter Maintenance Team.

    We have a pre agreed salting/gritting route which is determined prior to winter to allow us to plan out the routes. Whilst we unfortunately can’t salt every single road in the county, we do cover over 44% of the county’s road network, a figure well above the national average.

    Most precautionary (primary) salting will be carried out during the evening or overnight, to avoid higher levels of traffic.

    For information on how we decide which roads to salt and when, please visit our webpage: Winter Salting.

    Foot paths are not routinely salted however, when possible, they may be cleared and treated after snowfall.

    Salt bins are filled before and during the winter season as priorities allow. They are provided at various locations throughout the county, which we encourage the public to use to treat localised icy conditions if necessary.

    For more information, visit our website:Salt bins

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 09:30, Wednesday 15 January 2025

  • State changed to: Action scheduled

    Updated by Buckinghamshire Council at 12:41, Thursday 16 January 2025

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