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Signage for Roadworks on Cambridge Crescent and no Roadworks stated online

Reported via desktop in the Equipment / apparatus query category anonymously at 14:43, Thursday 9 January 2025

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6957321.

Customer called to advise there is signage for roadworks on Cambridge Crescent, he looked on the Buckinghamshire Council website for roadworks taking place and nothing is stated for this location. Customer called to query who is undertaking these roadworks, looked on and advised I cannot see anything for Cambridge Crescent but can see roadworks running from the 7th January - 7th March for Cadent Gas on Linchfield. Customer advised there is no roadwork signs on Linchfield and it is not necessary for roadwork signs to be on Cambridge Crescent as it is close-by to Linchfield but not close enough. His concern is that there maybe roadworks that are going to take place without a permit being put in place. Can someone contact the customer to advise further, please.

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    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 14:45, Thursday 9 January 2025

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