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There are too many road works in the area

Reported via mobile in the Temporary traffic lights problem category by Lewis Chadley Wilson at 18:14, Friday 29 November 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6801715.

Hi There roadworks allmover the area and I have been late everyday to collect my special needs child. Despite leaving my home 30 minutes earlier today I was still 25 minutes late. I need to be able to het from Rutland road to the A404 down to Marlow. %his is becoming ridiculous.

Are the people in charge competent? You jame up new road and the all the alternatives routes.

The traffic lights at A4010 and Crest RD are so poorly setup. That heading in the direction of Handy Cross you have to stop and wait for teo traffic light changes before you get to go. It also only allows 4 cars though at a time. Its backed up all the way to coronation road. And because of that you can't go down Cressex Road and use an alternative. So the alternative now is to drive down Rutland, but you can't because that road is also closed. If you go down new road you have 2 sets of roads works delaying you in Millbrook and and London Road.

There is now way for me to pick up my child from Bourne End. Seriously can you please have the responsibility of checking 5hat alternative routes are available and clear sonwe can do what we need to. I understand we need to works here and there. But its becoming ridiculous now. Enough is enough.

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  • This has been passed to the Street Works Team to investigate the enquiry/issue.

    The team will carry out an inspection and order a repair if required, this can take up to 10 working days

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 18:15, Friday 29 November 2024

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