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Traffic Lights at the start of new road on A418

Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights & crossings problems with timings category anonymously at 09:09, Tuesday 5 November 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6695709.

The new road is now open, however it is already causing chaos with traffic lights operating during rush hour and school times. From what I can see this is purely for HS2 works access. I assumed this would not be necessary with the new road in place and that HS2 would have access from the old road. The new road has made this no better as HS2 put the lights on as and when they need to and this blocks up the road into stone and into and around Fairford Leys and beyond. Please can this be investigated and have the lights either removed or kept to the previous agreement of only operating outside of rush hour and school times. The access lights in general shouldn't be necessary with all the additional HS2 access points along the new and old road.

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  • This has been passed to the Traffic Signal Team to investigate the enquiry/issue.

    The team will carry out an inspection and order a repair if required, this can take up to 10 working days

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 09:09, Tuesday 5 November 2024

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