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Reporting again so this is logged against bucks council

Reported via mobile in the Grass cutting category anonymously at 22:51, Wednesday 30 October 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6677962.

Response from BC says not enough information in report (even though I’m adding what I originally reported). Here’s the detail; Bull Lane bridge over the chiltern railway line, is dangerously narrow as much of the grass verge is overgrown and encroaching the road lane. It’s as simple as that. Suggesting you haven’t been able to plot the issue shows a greater issue

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  • Our Urban and Rural grass cutting schedules start in April each year, full details of the grass cutting programme will be published on our website nearer the time.

    Our works programme is very weather dependant and subject to delays. We therefore ask that you remain patient should there be delays or excessive growth in-between cuts.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 22:51, Wednesday 30 October 2024

  • Update

    Buckinghamshire Highways operates two methods for safety defect identification; proactively by Highway Inspectors who identify safety defects in line with Highways Safety Inspection Policy and reactively by Highway Officers following reports from the public.

    We are responsible for the maintenance of 2,200 miles of road and 1,500 miles of footpaths in Buckinghamshire, this means we have to prioritise works based on a set criteria which includes issues which may present an immediate danger, or significant inconvenience to users of the roads/footpaths, or to the structural condition of the highway and assets contained with the highway boundary.

    Whilst priority defects will receive a repair within appropriate timescales as dictated by the above policy, more minor defects such as the defect you have reported may not be immediately scheduled for repair.

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 14:01 today

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