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On bridge

Reported via desktop in the Bridges category anonymously at 03:27, Sat 26 October 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6659972.

So HS2 have closed the road and the diversion made around from the crossroads to Charndon for six months. Day 1 - 4 traffic lights were on this bridge making it safe for everyone to make it over the very narrow bridge which states traffic in the middle of the road. Traffic lights have now been taken down now very dangerous as you can just about fit two cars at very slow speed over this bridge. Without these traffic lights this is an accident waiting to happen. I went over this bridge just in time from meeting a double decker bus coming the other way, as you are unable to see to the other side of the bridge. This road has no white lines in the middle of the road, sides of road are dipping and the road from Charndon to the Calvert crossroads is not fit for purpose to take this amount of traffic each day. Please could you support the drivers by getting the traffic lights reinstated and the other bits and bos rectified. Thank you.

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  • Not all bridges and structures in Buckinghamshire are the responsibility Highways, other bodies that own bridges and structures include:

  • Network Rail: structures associated with the ‘live’railway
  • National Highways: Motorways
  • Canal and River Trust
  • Rights of Way
  • We undertake annual inspections of structures on the Highway that we are responsible for, including special inspections if needed (e.g., collision damage), we also carry out regular maintenance, along with strengthening works to keep our bridges and structures safe and operational, with a minimum of disruption.

    The structures team will carry out an assessment of the bridge and if is our responsibility we will arrange for a site inspection and raise an order to carry out any works required.

    If the bridge is not the responsibility of Buckinghamshire Highways we will forward this report to the relevant organisation.

Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 03:27, Sat 26 October 2024