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Buckingham road works for a year on One.Network

Reported via desktop in the Missing roadworks on category anonymously at 11:01, Mon 21 October 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6639965. shows that Buckingham road will closed for a year and he full details will be published on when confirmed. However, the information on is not of use to anyone if the road remains in red dots all the time and with 2 week notice on the road and requests that be updated with correct information.

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  • All planned work on the public highway (this includes the footpath) in Buckinghamshire, must apply for a permit from us as the local Highway Authority prior to any work starting.

    However, there are occasions when work starts before a permit is issued for example emergency work such as a gas leak. The Utility company can start work which is why some are not shown on One.Network, but they must advise us within 2 hours of the start of the works. We will then ensure the works are added to the system.

    A Highways Inspector will attend the site and/or contact the relevant Utility Company to ensure the conditions of the road permit licence are met.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 11:02, Mon 21 October 2024

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