Action scheduled
Blocked road drain
Reported via mobile in the Manhole cover broken/missing category anonymously at 08:17, Mon 7 October 2024
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6559410.
The drain that is where I have marked in the photo has been blocked since at least last year. The road is constantly flooded here because the drain does not work at all. I realise that this is probably more to do with the water company but as it is affecting the road, pedestrians and drivers I would imagine it is the council's job to persuade the water board to unblock the drain. The water does not drain away at all and just sits there until it is dried up by the sun. It is dangerous for pedestrians as children walk to school this way. Uts also dangerous for drivers and people walking their dogs. Thank you.
Almost all manhole covers have some form of identification on them, and it is likely that the manhole cover is owned by a utility company, who are legally responsible for maintaining it.
This report has been passed to the Highway Officer, who will carry out an inspection within the next 10 working days and if it is found to be the responsibility of Buckinghamshire Highways we will take the appropriate action. If, however, it is found to be the responsibility of the utility company we will report the issue to them, but please note we have no control regarding how long it will take to be fixed by the utility company.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 08:17, Mon 7 October 2024
The Highway Officer has attended the site and carried an inspection based on your report.
As a result of this inspection, we have instructed our contractor to resolve the issue reported within five working days.
Thank you for taking the time to let us know, your reports alongside our Highways Safety Inspections are crucial to ensuring our network is safe for all residents and visitors.
State changed to: Action scheduled
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 14:00, Wed 9 October 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.