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Blocking public footpath with over sized vehicles

Reported via mobile in the Parking on a footpath category anonymously at 20:20, Tue 1 October 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6540098.

The residents of number 21 have recently been parking 2 / 3 large courier vans which are parked on both sides of the footpath and also over hanging from their driveway. This is becoming unacceptable and no respect for residents on the road. It makes it very difficult to pull out onto the road and drive onto the road as the vans are blocking visibility. This is an accident waiting to happen. They also block the public footpaths which mean the public have to walk on the road, if there was a wheel chair user they would be forced to go onto the road. Extremely inconsiderate this is not a commercial car park, clearly the vans are too large to fit on their driveway so they use the public road putting the publics life at risk.

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  • This has been passed to the Parking Services Team.

    Subject to available resources, a civil enforcement officer (traffic warden) will go and assess, and if a vehicle is parked in contravention of a parking restriction, a penalty charge notice may be issued.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 20:20, Tue 1 October 2024

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