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Pavement from Mill Lane heading in the direction of Wendover up to the public footpath - pavement then becomes very wide and is safe.

Reported via PWA (desktop) in the Footpath / pavement problem category anonymously at 16:25, Tuesday 1 October 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6539196.

The pavement is very narrow in places making it impossible to walk two abreast and making it quite dangerous for walking along it with a dog who cannot walk beside you and has to walk either ahead or behind. This is due to excessive weed growth which limits the width of the pavement by up to half what it should be. This is dangerous especially in winter as there are no street lights, cars speed by (lots have a total disregard for the speed limit) and any standing water (often the drains are blocked) can result in walkers and dog getting drenched by vehicles. This can in turn 'freak out' the dog causing additional safety concerns.

After the road was resurfaced this summer the pavement was littered with bits of gravel which still lie on it in patches adding to the danger of slipping. There are weeds growing in the middle up through the pavement too which are very slippery in the wet weather adding to the hazards. I have lived here for 18 years and used the pavement regularly for at least 10 years and it is now in a truly shocking state. I no longer feel safe walking my dog along the pavement in the dark, especially when it is wet.

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  • The report has been passed to the Highway Officer, who will carry out an inspection of the issue within 10 working days, emergency defects will be corrected or made safe at the time of the inspection, if reasonably practicable to do so. In this context, making safe may constitute displaying warning notices, coning‐off or fencing‐off to protect the public from the defect or other suitable action. If the inspection team cannot make safe the defect at the time of inspection, then they will instigate the relevant emergency call procedures to ensure appropriate resources are mobilised to make the defect safe.

    There may also be occasions when the issue reported will not be repaired as it has been classified as a minor defect and does not pose any risk to either the safety or the integrity of the highway, these are called minimum recording levels as specified in our Highways Safety Inspection Policy.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 16:25, Tuesday 1 October 2024

  • Update

    The Highway Officer has attended the site and carried an inspection based on your report.

    We assess repairs in accordance with our Highways Safety Inspection Policy. This allows us to prioritise the most serious repairs to be completed urgently, with more minor defects such as this one being planned to be completed within 6-8 weeks.

    State changed to: Action scheduled

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 09:29, Friday 4 October 2024

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