322 Desborough Avenue
Reported via mobile in the Hedge problem category anonymously at 16:10, Tuesday 1 October 2024
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6539143.
The hedge belonging to 322 Desborough Avenue is extremely overgrown and is blocking the pavement making it impossible to walk past it on the pavement. Other houses further up are overgrown but not quite as bad.
All wild birds are protected. This includes their nests (whilst in use or being built) as well as any eggs the nest may contain. Under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), it is an offence to:
- intentionally kill, injure or take any wild bird
- intentionally damage, destroy or take the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built (nests of golden eagle, white tailed eagle and osprey are protected all year round)
- intentionally destroy an egg of any wild bird
- intentionally or recklessly disturb certain wild birds or their dependent young while they are nesting (including disturbance of nesting young)
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 16:10, Tuesday 1 October 2024
We have investigated the issue reported and found that it is on private land, we cannot use public money to resolve issues on private land, we can only use the power we do have under Section 154 (1) of the Highways Act 1980, to advise the owner/occupier of adjoining land they are required to carry out work on their land so as to remove the cause or likelihood of danger, obstruction or interference to the users of the Highway (footpath).
In most cases the work is carried out very quickly by the owner/occupier, but in some instances this can be a lengthier process but be assured we will follow due process to ensure the work is carried out.State changed to: Closed
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 10:27, Wednesday 2 October 2024
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