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Dear Colleagues Please could you come and clean the graffiti of the Buckingham bus shelter

Reported via mobile in the Damage to a bus stop category by Robin stuchbury at 14:07, Sun 22 September 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6499882.

Dear colleagues. Please could you come and clean the graffiti on the back of the bus shelter it’s becoming a huge concern to the community that this hasn’t taken place yet. This would be very much appreciated. Kind regards. Councillor Robin Stuchbury. I apologise for any spelling mistakes within my correspondence, as I was educated by Buckinghamshire county council before they recognise dyslexia and anything I say it without prejudiced.

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  • The report has been passed to our bus stop maintenance team, an officer will carry out an inspection and arrange to have the issue resolved as soon as possible

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 14:07, Sun 22 September 2024

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