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Potential failed reinstatement

Reported via desktop in the Failed reinstatement category anonymously at 10:02, Thu 5 September 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6438691.

Underground water leak at junction of South Hall and Glebe Close potentially as a result of recent works undertaken by water company (failed reinstatement). Leak is causing a sinkhole to develop.

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  • After carrying out any work on the highway, this includes the footpaths/verge, companies who have a legal right or permission to work on the public highway must adhere to the standard set out in the Code of Practice for Reinstatements. These works are guaranteed for 2-3 years dependant on the depth of excavation, if a reinstatement fails and is within the guarantee period, we can instruct them to fix the fault.

    We as the Highway Authority will always carry out an inspection on these reinstatements and if they are deemed to be below standard we will instruction the company to come back out and resolve at their costs, not the taxpayer.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 10:02, Thu 5 September 2024

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