Pavement along Burtons Lane between Station Road Little Chalfont to junction with Brayfield Lane
Reported via desktop in the Footpath / pavement problem category anonymously at 22:06, Wed 28 August 2024
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6410121.
Moderated by Buckinghamshire Council at 16:06, Thu 29 August 2024
The pavement is severly restricted in width by the undergrowth plus the puddles which form after the slightest rain. People have to walk in the road to pass each other especially with children in pushchairs or on mobility scooters which I use. I have Parkinsons disease and I almost have accidents each time I use the path. The pavement on the East side is braking up which also presents a trip hazard. Some weeks ago surveys were conducted with markings and we hoped this would mean something was going to be done to cure the problem but alas nothing has changed to date. The problem has been getting worse over the last few years exacerbated by the uneven pavement on the West side - which only stretches down to Burtons Way entrance. The curb is so narrow and presents restrictions on keeping pedestrians safe. Please tell us when this essential/important work is to be planned.
The report has been passed to the Highway Officer, who will carry out an inspection of the issue within 10 working days, emergency defects will be corrected or made safe at the time of the inspection, if reasonably practicable to do so. In this context, making safe may constitute displaying warning notices, coning‐off or fencing‐off to protect the public from the defect or other suitable action. If the inspection team cannot make safe the defect at the time of inspection, then they will instigate the relevant emergency call procedures to ensure appropriate resources are mobilised to make the defect safe.
There may also be occasions when the issue reported will not be repaired as it has been classified as a minor defect and does not pose any risk to either the safety or the integrity of the highway, these are called minimum recording levels as specified in our Highways Safety Inspection Policy.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 22:06, Wed 28 August 2024
We are very pleased to tell you that the issue reported has now been resolved.
Alongside our Highways Safety Inspections, reports from the public help us to keep the roads in Buckinghamshire safe.
State changed to: Fixed
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 11:46, Mon 2 September 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.