Action scheduled
Drain on footpath outside 81 and 83 Bicester Road, Long Crendon, HP189EE
Reported via mobile in the Flooding on a road/footpath category anonymously at 13:05, Sat 24 August 2024
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6393424.
The drain on the footpath outside 81 and 83 Bicester Road in Long Crendon is blocked, which has now caused the footpath to considerably flood. It is now impassable, meaning the only way to walk buy is on the busy road. But more worryingly the water level is now very close to going over the front wall of number 83, and this property is lower than the footpath so would flood. The water level is also now starting to come up the driveways of number 81. This area has regularly flooded when it rains for the past year or so, but usually drains a little more freely than it is doing now. As such it does now need to be addressed.
If the flooding is caused by a water leak we will report it to the relevant water company, who are responsible for water leaks.
There are occasions when flash flooding overloads the drain/gully, even when a drain/gully is clean and well maintained it can only cope with a certain volume of water at one time, a sudden and heavy downpour can still cause flooding especially if the road is in a low lying area, this generally clears away over a matter of hours.
The Highway Officer is only able to inspect the drain when the water has cleared away, this will be done within 10 days and if required, an order will be raised to clear the drain.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 13:05, Sat 24 August 2024
State changed to: Action scheduled
Updated by Buckinghamshire Council at 14:23, Wed 28 August 2024
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