Man hole cover banging.
Reported via mobile in the Manhole cover broken/missing category anonymously at 18:05, Monday 19 August 2024
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6375620.
The man hole cover is not sitting correctly and every time a car drives or even a person walks over it, it bangs loudly and keeps people awake at night or is a noise pollution during the day. I’m Head of Facilities where I work and deal with this type of issue. The man hole cover needs fully reseating of fully replacing. The man hole cover rocks like a sea saw from left to right in an up and down motion causing the loud banging.
Almost all manhole covers have some form of identification on them, and it is likely that the manhole cover is owned by a utility company, who are legally responsible for maintaining it.
This report has been passed to the Highway Officer, who will carry out an inspection within the next 10 working days and if it is found to be the responsibility of Buckinghamshire Highways we will take the appropriate action. If, however, it is found to be the responsibility of the utility company we will report the issue to them, but please note we have no control regarding how long it will take to be fixed by the utility company.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 18:05, Monday 19 August 2024
Update - We have carried out an inspection of the area and our assessment is that this issue reported is the responsibility of the Utility Company (Water board, BT, gas etc). We have forwarded the details of your report (excluding your contact details) to them, this means we are unable to provide you with any updates on this enquiry, if you wish to receive updates or progress chase this issue with the utility company, below are the contact details for utility companies operating in Buckinghamshire. To ensure the report is actioned as quickly as possible by the Utility Company, you are able to report these issues directly to them. To assist you, below are the contact details for the utility companies operating in Buckinghamshire.
State changed to: Closed
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 08:57, Friday 27 September 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.