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At high street north road restriction near bletchley road

Reported via mobile in the Road sign without a light category by Martin frampton at 21:17, Tuesday 30 July 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6295773.

Impact damage many months ago has caused the stub of the lamp post to be in a position where it could impale a car if hit from the bletchley road end as it is laying horizontal and fixed to the concrete base.

The island is no longer lit and also the temperature blue arrow sign regularly falls over in the wind - increasing risk

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  • This has been passed to the Highway Officer to investigate, they will carry out an inspection within the next 10 working days.

    All our roads are subject to safety inspections, and this includes identifying any road signs that are badly damaged or degraded so we may already have a job raised to resolve it, if this is the case we will update you that it is a duplicate job/enquiry.

    If we were not aware of this issue, we will update you on what action will be taken, this may include adding the road markings to a package of works for the location to be completed at a later date.

    There may also be occasions when the issue reported will not be repaired as it has been classified as a minor defect and does not pose any risk to either the safety or the integrity of the highway, these are called minimum recording levels as specified in our Highways Safety Inspection Policy in these cases no action will be taken.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 21:17, Tuesday 30 July 2024

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