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They are set up on the Football pitch & Recreation ground

Reported via desktop in the Unauthorised site or encampment category anonymously at 14:53, Tuesday 30 July 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6294286.

There are at least 9 caravans set up on the football and surrounding recreation ground. They have broken through a locked gate to access the area. The football pitch has had a significant amount of money spent on repairing and improving it and has now been ruined by them driving on it. Dog walkers go through the area they are camped in so won't be able to access the fields behind. There are also several buildings including a brand new club house and changing rooms, the tennis club & courts, the bowls club and greens, the football club house and a brand new MUGA that the villlage will not be able to used whilst they are camped there.

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  • This has been passed to Neighbourhood Services Team to investigate.

    Please be aware that we do not routinely provide updates on actions taken in the management of unauthorised encampments - we follow due process as documented in our Privacy Policy.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 14:53, Tuesday 30 July 2024

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