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The Green and shrubberies, Webster Road HP21

Reported via mobile in the Open spaces category anonymously at 19:08, Tue 11 June 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council 14 hours, 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6095327.

Thank you for attemting to cut the grass, and subsequent strimming. Alas, it is a mess, and was done very badly, so much so, that the chap doing the strimming, left out some areas but strimmed a large area of grass betwee the trees, and the tree thickets and planting has been left unattended. We have tried to keep some of the verges tidy, but feel that, having paid our Council taxes, we would like a proper service. Would it be possible to get one of the inspectors to look at this. I note that other areas around here, along higways have been cut property. There is still a large area opposite Turnfurlong School, which ha not received any attention, and it also serves as part of the overflow for water and rainfall, and should be kept clear. There may also be a risk to young children crossing the road, as they scramble to avoid racing cars, and land in the long grass. If you would like me to show you these issues, I would be glad to help.

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    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 07:56, Wed 12 June 2024

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