Underpass on Lent Rise Road
Reported via mobile in the Cleaning/Sweeping category anonymously at 09:40, Fri 12 April 2024
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5842492.
It’s an absolute disgrace that this underpass has been allowed to deteriorate in this way. It was once a clean pathway painted with a beautiful mural by a local primary school. It is now an area that is filthy dirty (I carry my dog through this underpass not knowing what you could be treading in. Many children use this tunnel to get to school and goodness knows what germs and bacteria they are taking in to their school. There is constant rubbish along the footpath and even excrement! The walls of the underpass are filthy and are deteriorating. The actual footpath through the underpass is broken and uneven and a real hazard. This underpass no longer feels safe and is so dark due to how dirty it has become. When was the last time this tunnel had a power wash and a repaint as well as the footpath being repaved.
Burnham is a forgotten area of Bucks. We’ve had constant road works taking place recently to repair the roads used by lots of people who are not local residents. Maybe some of this budget should be invested in to the underpass that is used daily by all residents of Burnham and Taplow!
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