Action scheduled
Infront of Primark and castle street
Reported via mobile in the Blocked drain category anonymously at 08:21, Tue 9 April 2024
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5827079.
This was the response when I reported it to Bucks. However is the water level always supposed to be less then 1 foot from the grating on dry days. Also no matter the amount of rain the gullies on castle street do not collect any water and the one on priory road is always flooded no matter the amount of rain. I guess what is clean to the highway department is different to a non specialist
The Highway Officer has carried out an inspection and has identified that there is no immediate safety issue, even when a gully is clean and well maintained it will only cope with a certain volume of water at one time, a sudden and heavy downpour can still cause flooding especially if the road is in a low lying area, this generally clears away over a matter of hours
This has been passed to the Highway Officer to investigate.
We know that an important part of any road network is the drainage system which is designed to carry water away from the road surface. Even when a gully is clean and well maintained it will only cope with a certain volume of water at one time, a sudden and heavy downpour can still cause flooding especially if the road is in a low lying area.
The Highway Officer is only able to inspect the drain when the water has cleared away, this will be done within 10 days and if required, an order will be raised to clear the drain.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 08:21, Tue 9 April 2024
The Highway Officer has attended the site and carried an inspection based on your report.
We assess repairs in accordance with our Highways Safety Inspection Policy. This allows us to prioritise the most serious repairs to be completed urgently, with more minor defects such as this one being planned to be completed within 6-8 weeks.
State changed to: Action scheduled
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 10:35, Tue 9 April 2024
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