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The vehicle is causing an obstruction, in being able to transverse a Hill

Reported via desktop in the Abandoned vehicles category anonymously at 20:29, Thursday 14 March 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5715149.

1-YJC-251 registered in Belgium, This vehicle is an eye sore, and potentially will attract criminality and vandalism, First things a kid/young adult will do is put a brick through the window set it alight etc. etc. That is not acceptable in any area what so ever. BCC Sort this scourge of anti social behaviour caused by a minority imposing on a majority. the vehicle does not have insurance, how can it when registered in Belgium, Who then when the afore mentioned sets a fire potentially lets of the handbrake off etc. etc. etc. there are numerous purmutation's of what could happen. Who then pays for the potential out fall of all that? why should someone have their own insurance deal with that out fall. WHEN THE PEOPLE WHO OWN OR ARE THE KEEPER OF THE CAR, USE TRADERS POLICY LOOP HOLES. THEY ARE ABUSING THE SYSTEM, AND YOU BCC DO NOTHING!!

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  • An officer will investigate the vehicle and if on inspection it is considered to be abandoned, a notice will be issued.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 20:29, Thursday 14 March 2024

  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Buckinghamshire Council at 20:39, Thursday 14 March 2024

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