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Bridge bollard tops have been put on backwards

Reported via mobile in the Bridges category anonymously at 10:57, Fri 23 February 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5619111.

The bridge was closed to repair the bollards on 19/2, but the top sections have been positioned facing away from the road, so the repair was pointless, and the tops could have just been left off. Why can’t it have cameras like Cookham bridge? The possibility of receiving a fine would put off most offenders wouldn’t it?

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  • Not all bridges and structures in Buckinghamshire are the responsibility Highways, other bodies that own bridges and structures include:

  • Network Rail: structures associated with the ‘live’railway
  • National Highways: Motorways
  • Canal and River Trust
  • Rights of Way
  • We undertake annual inspections of structures on the Highway that we are responsible for, including special inspections if needed (e.g., collision damage), we also carry out regular maintenance, along with strengthening works to keep our bridges and structures safe and operational, with a minimum of disruption.

    The structures team will carry out an assessment of the bridge and if is our responsibility we will arrange for a site inspection and raise an order to carry out any works required.

    If the bridge is not the responsibility of Buckinghamshire Highways we will forward this report to the relevant organisation.

Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 10:58, Fri 23 February 2024