No 4. Flint Street - Overgrown and unkept scrubs taking over whole footpath
Reported via desktop in the Hedge problem category anonymously at 20:29, Mon 12 February 2024
Sent to Haddenham Parish Council 16 hours, 30 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 5568573.
For all the years I've lived in Haddenham, this house has always been known by locals as being overgrown and unkept. It is one thing how you decide to keep your own property, but another impeding on the safety of those who like to walk on cleared pavements and footpaths without having to step into the road. From the images, you can see that the footpath takes an immediate stop, forcing you to walk in the road as their pots, plants and overgrown house foliage means you cannot walk on the footpath. Worse still, this road is always used by small children and prams as the infant school is situated on the pond. This needs to be addressed immediately as I have had a number of school mums worry about it, but the demeanour of the people inside is apparently not hospitable. There are many other photos of evidence circulating around if you need them.
The report has been passed to the Highway Officer, who will carry out an inspection of the issue within 10 working days, emergency defects will be corrected or made safe at the time of the inspection, if reasonably practicable to do so. In this context, making safe may constitute displaying warning notices, coning‐off or fencing‐off to protect the public from the defect or other suitable action. If the inspection team cannot make safe the defect at the time of inspection, then they will instigate the relevant emergency call procedures to ensure appropriate resources are mobilised to make the defect safe.
There may also be occasions when the issue reported will not be repaired as it has been classified as a minor defect and does not pose any risk to either the safety or the integrity of the highway, these are called minimum recording levels as specified in our Highways Safety Inspection Policy.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 20:29, Mon 12 February 2024
We have reviewed the issue reported and have amended the category; this will ensure your report is directed to the most appropriate team at the council.
State changed to: For Triage
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 11:36, Tue 13 February 2024
We have investigated the issue, unfortunately this is not the responsibility of the Council.
To find out who owns the land where the issue reported is, you may wish to contact Land Registry.
State changed to: not the council's responsibility
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 09:41, Tue 20 February 2024
These are pavements owned by the local council / governing body. The owners of the properties do not own the pavement and its confirmed in their Land Registry documents. It is a public road, so the same as the whole of the UK, unless it is a private road then it is the responsibility of the local authority. A simple google search will confirm this. They are a public footpath and therefore owned by the council and should be maintained and kept clear by the council. For mothers to walk with prams and people to walk safely, these need to be cleared. Can you please ensure this is looked into further as a matter of urgency? Thanks
State changed to: Open
Posted anonymously at 10:11, Tue 20 February 2024
What is the update with this please?
Posted anonymously at 13:02, Tue 12 March 2024
Still open, via questionnaire -
Still open, via questionnaire, 16:15, Tue 9 April 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.