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Far end of Westwood Park, alongside Football field

Reported via iOS in the Park category anonymously at 13:11, Sunday 4 February 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5530139.

It is highly likely that football players or spectators have simply discarded their empty water bottles on the grass. This is not acceptable, especially when there are several litter bins in the vicinity. I’m a dog owner: how would these people feel if dog owners simply left their waste in this way. Totally unacceptable! So why doesn’t the club make it a clear rule for both players and supporters, perhaps parents too, that all litter is either taken home with them, or put in litter bins, with a penalty of being banned for a week if they don’t comply? Not a good example to young people about how to behave.

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  • This has been passed to our parks and open spaces team, an officer will carry out an inspection and arrange for the appropriate action to be taken.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 13:11, Sunday 4 February 2024

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