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A40 Dashwood Hill between the two junctions of Old Dashwood Hill

Reported via desktop in the Overhanging branch/tree category anonymously at 10:39, Tuesday 30 January 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5509448.

Approximately 150yards from the junction of A40 and Old Dashwood Hill as you head towards High Wycombe on the right hand side there are dead branches that are in very close (approx 4inches) to the road and it may well be prudent to remove those branches in case they move much further towards the roadway. It may well be prudent to have a general inspection of the A40 between the two junctions of Old Dashwood Hill to identify and remove any other potential wood and associated litter/debris. There is also a tree that is overhanging the A40 from its position on the right hand side going towards High Wycombe in that its topmost branches are now positioned on the Left hand side of the Road.

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  • This has been passed to our maintenance team who will carry out an assessment of the tree and provide an update within 28 days.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 10:39, Tuesday 30 January 2024

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