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3 streetlights not working

Reported via desktop in the Street light not working category by Jon Mullins at 13:44, Wed 24 January 2024

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5485573.

Three streetlights not working - at least one has not been working since knocked down in Sept 2019!!!. Subject of numerous complaints yet nothing is done. These lights are at the junctions of three roads with Turnfurlong Lane, and adjacent to the Amber Way cycle route. The missing lights creates a pool of darkness at this location causing a wholly unsatisfactory situation for all road users in particular pedestrians and cyclists. When is the Council going to discharge its responsibilities for the safety of all road users and turn on all three lights?

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  • The team will carry out an inspection and order a repair if required, this can take up to 20 working days.

    We are experiencing a system issue at the moment which is stopping us from providing updates on lighting issues, please be assured all street lighting defects are being inspected and fixed but until we have resolved the update issue you may see the light fixed without this report being updated.

    We know that faulty lighting is very important to our residents, and we take all reported issues very seriously. In the latter part of 2023 we recruited night scouts to review all of the 40,000 lighting assets we maintain in Buckinghamshire, the information from this review and all customer reported issues are now being addressed and will be resolved as soon as possible.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 13:44, Wed 24 January 2024

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