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A4155, left hand side of road coming from Marlow. From Coldmoorholme Lane turnoff to the hedge for the first house. (Malt House Lodge)

Reported via desktop in the Hedge problem category anonymously at 11:29, Tuesday 16 January 2024

Sent to Little Marlow Parish Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5450132.

The hedgerow from the Coldmoorholme Lane turn to Malt House Lodge has not been trimmed in many years. I live in Malt House Lodge (and previously in The Old Malt House, and, have tried over the years to trim the hedge as best as I can. There is no footpath, and, it's quite dangerous to work on the verge. The hedgerow is very overgrown with many dead trees that seem to have been put back in the hedge by motorists. It's a danger to motorists with falling dead trees, and, to the general public walking on the pavement on the opposite side of the road. The hedgerow gets quite dense, and, is a danger to me when I leave my house as the visibility is restricted especially in the summer months. The hedgerow needs to be cut back at a high level and ground level and reducing in width with the dead trees being removed.

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