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The machine said enter card I did this I also tried tapping the card but the machine would not work- I tried to do this but was in my way to an appointment a ticket however was provided and I'm confused what happened- the machine was causing many other people difficulties.

Reported via mobile in the Faulty pay machine category anonymously at 13:53, Fri 22 December 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5349102.

The pay meter by entering car park was not working properly I tried more than once . It took my card and produced a ticket for 90.p but didn't charge me - so I'm confused if it offered free parking as machine was faulty .. this is what I assumed - I was going to a ln appointment- on my return I read again the ticked . But since I have been sent sms messages saying The company has been victim of a cyber attack and my card details will not be used to make payments! So now I'm so worried about this issue- it seems the company I was paying.90 p for parking this morning has had a cyber attack and now I'm left feeling vulnerable and violated . I resent this . I tried to pay for parking and I assumed as a ticket was produced it was paid for I was not able to read it thoroughly. Until I had my reading glasses . But it seems I may be left in debt of .90 p so I'd like to make payment please- I parked for under 2 hours - but over 1:5 hours

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  • This has been passed to the Parking Services Team, an officer will carry out an inspection and arrange to have the issue resolved as soon as possible.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 13:53, Fri 22 December 2023

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