Refuse Collection Lorry Smashed into my Parked Car
Reported via desktop in the Hedge problem category anonymously at 11:21, Wed 29 November 2023
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5264424.
My car was parked outside my property at 7 Windrush Court. A Buckinghamshire recycling truck came round the corner and smashed into my car. Veolia have accepted liability as the driver was at fault and my car has now been repaired. I have lived here for 6 years and this has never happened before and I make sure my car is parked close to the kerb.
The truck was reversing in but the driver's assistant did not guide him which I understand should have happened.
Something needs to be done about the hedge opposite my property and may be a mirror needs to be placed on our road so large vehicles are able to see property - the driver of the truck said he did not see my car! It's an SUV so not something you can miss.
You also need to let your contractors know that it is imperative that the driver's assistant comes out of the truck to guide the driver on roads that are quite narrow.
I was gutted - brand new car!!
An officer will carry out an inspection within the next 10 working days and arrange to have the issue resolved as soon as possible after that.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 11:21, Wed 29 November 2023
Mirrors on the Highway
Buckinghamshire Highways would look at other ways of improving visibility, before considering a roadside mirror due to the widely known problems associated with headlamp dazzle, problems can also occur because of image distortion and particularly so during adverse weather conditions. Condensation or water droplets that naturally form on exposed surfaces could mislead drivers into believing the route is clear when in fact it is not. In the event of an accident, the local highway authority could find itself in a position of being sued for alleged malfeasance or negligence if the mirror could be shown to have been a contributory factor to the incident.
Mirrors on private landWe are unable to approve the erection of mirrors at private entrances. In these circumstances, it may be possible for the mirror to be erected on private land with the approval of the relevant landowner. Depending upon the size of the resultant structure, planning permission may also need to be sought from the planning department at Buckinghamshire Council. In addition, public liability insurance, in respect of the mirror, will be required if the mirror is cited as a contributory factor in a road traffic accident.
Reports of unauthorised mirrors on the public highwayIf we receive a report about a mirror placed on the highway within Buckinghamshire without permission, this is likely to be classed as an illegal sign and we may seek to recover costs from adjacent landowners if we deem it necessary to remove.
State changed to: Closed
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 10:51, Mon 4 December 2023
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