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Traffic Light timings are causing safety risks

Reported via mobile in the Traffic lights & crossings problems with timings category anonymously at 17:38, Tue 28 November 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5262461.

The traffic light timings need to be reviewed. The time the lights are at 'green' is too short and the time between switching from one light to the other is too long. During peak times this is causing delays up the entire Stablebridge road and is backing onto Upper Icknield way which is unsafe. The time at which the light are green needs to be increased to allow more traffic to pass. The time between the two lights can also be slightly decreased to allow more frequent changes. Please can this be rectified before there is an accident changes on Upper Icknield Way

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  • This has been passed to the Traffic Signal Team to investigate the enquiry/issue.

    The team will carry out an inspection and order a repair if required, this can take up to 10 working days

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 17:38, Tue 28 November 2023

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