Road Traffic Bollards along the A413 from Chalfont St. Peter to St. Giles
Reported via desktop in the Sign light not working category anonymously at 14:34, Mon 27 November 2023
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5257628.
Moderated by Buckinghamshire Council at 09:36, Fri 15 December 2023
The road traffic bollards along the A413 from St. Peter to St. Giles have not been visible at night for many months, poising a danger to oncoming traffic as you only see them when your head lights catch them - bearing in mind it is a 50mph speed limit so not much time to respond if you don't know the road. More importantly pedestrians who stand in the middle waiting to cross the road are not visible to oncoming traffic. I'm not sure if bollards are just covered in dirt or the lighting elements are broken but would appreciate it if the bollards on this stretch of road could be reviewed for the safety of both pedestrians and vehicles. Many thanks
Update: This issue is serious and could be potentially fatal for people who do not know this road. A vehicle overtook my son last night and had to swiftly move back in as he did not see the bollards there. If he hadn't of been able to move back, it would have been a fatal accident on the road.
The Street Lighting Team will carry out an inspection and order a repair if required, this can take up to 20 working days
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 14:34, Mon 27 November 2023
We have attended the site and have carried out a full assessment on the lighting column, 95% of lighting reports are repaired on the first visit, as they are generally more minor issues such as replacing the bulb. Unfortunately, there are occasions when further work is required:
Full column replacement, Lantern / bracket replacements and/or Specialist parts
It is not economically viable for us to order and replace these items in isolation, we package works together and schedule them in by area. This means that in some cases the work will not be completed for up to 90 working days and we apologise for this, but it is essential to keep costs low and utilise the workforce in the most cost effective way.Vegetation clearance
We will always try to remove vegetation which is blocking a street light or traffic signal on the first visit, but there are occasions when it is not safe for our operators to do so and specialist equipment such as a cherry picker and/or traffic management is required. This must all be scheduled in to ensure we are not disrupting other roads in the area; we aim to carry out this work within 90 working days.Further electrical investigation required
If the initial inspection highlights there is an electricity supply fault, this will be passed to the local electricity network operator to attend and rectify, as we cannot work on their network, we are bound in these cases by the electricity supplier service levels, which tend to be again 90 working days.Please be assured we do have the job in hand, it just might take a little longer than normal, but we will update you when the work has been completed.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 08:37, Wednesday 31 January 2024
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