Princes Road on Keep Clear Notice
Reported via desktop in the Flytipping (off-road) category anonymously at 19:06, Wed 22 November 2023
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council 14 hours, 16 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 5243118.
A white transit van drove down the cul de sac at around 11.30am today and dumped a fridge freezer unit. No numberplate was taken as resident who saw it drive down thought it was a delivery van.
This has been passed to our Highways Team, who will carry out an inspection and arrange for the appropriate action to be taken.
Our priority is clearing the obstruction on the public highway to make it safe, this may mean that the fly tip is moved to the side of the road for a period of time before safe removal is arranged.
Please be assured we will come back and clear it, but in the meantime we will monitor it in line with our Highways Safety Inspection Policy.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 19:06, Wed 22 November 2023
We have inspected the issue reported and have reviewed the category selected.
The category has been changed to ensure it is passed to the correct team.
State changed to: For Triage
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 09:14, Thu 23 November 2023
Please be aware that reports are automatically closed after 21 days to avoid duplication. Should you find for any reason that your report has not been actioned within this period; please resubmit your request and highlight the exact issue so that we can look further into the matter. We will ensure that this is dealt with as a priority.
State changed to: Closed
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 01:12, Thu 14 December 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.