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Street nameplate still missing

Reported via Android in the Street nameplates category by Richard Lloyd at 09:00, Tue 21 November 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5235706.

Hi, following up on the report in August this name plate is still missing with the concrete pillars still on the verge. Can we get an update on a replacement please

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  • The maintenance of these types of signs previously sat with the legacy districts areas, the maintenance responsibility has now moved to our Highways Team who will incorporate them into their Highway Safety Inspection policy, similar to that of other road signs.

    Reports regarding damaged street name plates will go directly to the Local Area Technician who will carry out an inspection and if required order the necessary work to be completed. When a street name plate is damaged and removed it is not economically viable for it to be reinstated in isolation, it will be repaired/replaced as part of a package of works for these types of issues. Please note, in some cases this may mean the sign is removed temporarily for safety reasons.

    The process for naming a new street remains unchanged, requests from developers should be to email

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 09:00, Tue 21 November 2023

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