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Cambridge Place

Reported via desktop in the Can I get access to my business / property category anonymously at 12:26, Mon 20 November 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5232507.

Road is due to be closed from 23/11/23 - 27/11/24 for construction works. A letter was sent out, which was only received on Friday, regarding this closure and that there will be an hours window once a week where deliveries will be allowed access. This is not enough access for businesses that require deliveries multiple times a week and of fresh food and ingredients, such as Papa Johns. Deliveries taking place on Buckingham Street are also not a viable option due to how busy this road is. This will have a serious effect on the businesses that need more access. Please make contact to discuss urgently as the road is due to close Thursday this week.

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