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Henley Road just before the turning for Pound Lane

Reported via desktop in the Blocking a private drive category anonymously at 10:25, Tue 14 November 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5209339.

This vehicle is parking on the grass verge, daily and preventing a safe exit from the private drive. It is also ruining the tended grass verge. This is an issue as described by the council because; Drivers that park illegally on grass verges may also be charged with a criminal offence for causing an obstruction or damage. Under section 28 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847: causing an obstruction to any public footpath or public thoroughfare regulation 103 of Road Vehicles – Regulations 1986: vehicles that cause unnecessary obstruction of the road (including grass verges) section 22 of the Road Traffic Act 1988: leaving vehicles in a dangerous position on the road (including grass verges) section 137 of the Highways Act 1980: obstruction of free passage along a highway section 72 of the Highways Act 1835: driving on any footpath or causeway by the side of any road that is made or set apart for the use of pedestrians section 131(1)(c) of the Highways Act 1980: putting anything on a highway that may damage the highway

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  • This has been passed to the Parking Services Team.

    Subject to available resources, a civil enforcement officer (traffic warden) will go and assess, and if a vehicle is parked in contravention of a parking restriction, a penalty charge notice may be issued.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 10:25, Tue 14 November 2023

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