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The resident of 12 Ash Close, who is a private resident is parking across my drive way. This is deliberately restricting my access to my drive way. I am often unable to remove my car from my drive way. I live in the corner of a cul-de -sac, in a turning circle. i have tried to speak with the resident, for a number of weeks he refrained from parking there. he has without warning reverted back to parking there, which in turn meant that i was unable to use my car which was parked on the drive way.

Reported via desktop in the Blocking a private drive category anonymously at 15:31, Fri 3 November 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5171522.

The issue has been going on for approximately 3 months . Please can you help me, i have tried to speak with the man, he became aggressive, so i am now at a loss.

Thank you

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