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Glory Mill Lane.

Reported via desktop in the Street light not working category anonymously at 13:20, Wed 1 November 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5161992.

Some time ago someone crashed into the streetlight and drove off, leaving it hanging down. I reported this straight away, and the team came out to take it down. They have left a metre and a half sticking up from the ground. I presumed they would come to replace this, but it is still like this. So again, I reported this as children were playing with it and I saw it as quite dangerous.

Yesterday evening, I saw an elderly lady and two children fall over due to the lack of light here. It gets really dark now, as the next street light (by the alley) does not work either. Please can these lights be looked into asap? Thank you.

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  • The Street Lighting Team will carry out an inspection and order a repair if required, this can take up to 20 working days; however, due to the exceptionally high volume of reports currently being received, it may at present take longer than usual to complete this initial assessment.

    Once the issue has been investigated, the team will order any necessary repair.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 13:20, Wed 1 November 2023

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