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Falling Tree, Fullers Hill, Chesham

Reported via desktop in the Emergency Road/Footway - Fallen tree causing an obstruction category anonymously at 11:45, Tue 24 October 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5131612.

10" diameter and taller than a streetlight, has been leaning at about 45 degrees since Saturday. Looks to be in imminent danger of falling and damaging someone / a vehicle. If a tall vehicle were to go up the road it would knock it over. Health & Safety issue

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  • Update

    Based on the information provided to the Customer Service Centre, this report has been passed to the Highways Emergency Team.

    The Emergency Team will carry out an assessment and arrange to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Initially the repair may be a temporary one, a permanent repair will be made as soon as possible

    Further updates will be displayed here.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 11:45, Tue 24 October 2023

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