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Blocking 113 Weedon road Aylesbury Hp19 9NT

Reported via mobile in the Parking in a restricted space category anonymously at 07:18, Sat 21 October 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5121215.

Hi I am small business owner of friends food & wine at 113 Weedon road Aylesbury there is front of my store lay bay parking but all the resident people parking here no space left for my customers to park & come in some old people our customer come in the morning they finding very difficult some of our customer parking middle of road which is very dangerous if residen people leave some space for our customers they can park in middle of road i so many time request to resident people leave some space for our customer to come but they not listing there is much space on priory crescent for them to park but they still park front of our store with this my customer very upset & in this difficult time I am loosing much business with this parking some time no space for customer to park no one stop then I loosing much my humble request to you if possible please do something thank you kind regards Mr M S Bhatia

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  • This has been passed to the Parking Services Team.

    Subject to available resources, a civil enforcement officer (traffic warden) will go and assess, and if a vehicle is parked in contravention of a parking restriction, a penalty charge notice may be issued.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 07:18, Sat 21 October 2023

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