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Broken of post in the road

Reported via desktop in the Bollards or railings category anonymously at 19:41, Wed 11 October 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5087894.

How is this not dangerous? you have a post sticking out of the ground at an angle (it has been like this for a long time mind you) if anyone in a car or motorcycle , push bike was to run in to this could course a serious injuries and they go on about 20 MPH speed limits when this sort of think is just left , needs cutting off flush with the road ASAP accident waiting to happen .

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  • This has been passed to your local area technician to investigate the enquiry/issue.

    They will carry out an inspection and order a repair if required, this can take up to 20 working days. If however, a replacement bollard/railing is required, we will need to order this as we do not hold them in stock and this can take up to 6-8 weeks.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 19:41, Wed 11 October 2023

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