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Reported via desktop in the Ditch issue category anonymously at 16:21, Wed 11 October 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5087109.

Frome Waddesdon hill - juction with A41 - Multiple drainage chanels on verges need digging out to allow water to drain away. Any rain fall sees the the road fill with large puddles that could drain quickly away if these channels were maintained and dug out. This obviously causes more raod damage in the long run.They havent been dug out for a long time .

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  • We know that an important part of any road network is the drainage system which is designed to carry water away from the road surface. As a general rule ditches along the side of the road are the responsibility of whoever owns the land on which they are situated, they should maintain and keep the ditch capable of carrying water away from the road.

    The Local Area Technician will carry out an inspection within 10 days and if it is the responsibility of Buckinghamshire Council and a repair is required, we will carry out the work. If the responsibility is with the landowner, we will write to them and request they carry out the necessary work.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 16:21, Wed 11 October 2023

  • Update

    We are very pleased to tell you that the issue reported has now been resolved.

    Alongside our safety inspection policy, reports from the public help us to keep the roads in Buckinghamshire safe.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 09:48, Fri 10 November 2023

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