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TM signage frame and sand bag left on verge - Whaddon Road, Newton Longville

Reported via iOS in the Sign problem category anonymously at 11:13, Sun 8 October 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5073733.

Sign frame and sand bag left on verge on Whaddon Road near Bottledump roundabout and A421. Effectively now the equivalent of litter and needs to be removed.

Background: Problems following EWRA resurfacing work on Whaddon Road completed December 2022. It was found that there was an issue with the road surface. Temporary 40mph speed limit imposed for the stretch of road from a point north of railway bridge OXD09 (where the National Speed Limit would normally apply) through to just short of the Bottledump roundabout and the A421. The road surface problem resolved by 2 September 2023 and normal speed limit reinstated but a significant amount of EWRA signage and two MVAS units remained. This pointed out to EWRA and Network Rail had a One.Connect notice KL343EWR2-2B-B3-0053 for 3-4 October to collect what was left. Some of their TM equipment was removed but as per this FMS ticket, the job has still to be completed.

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