Signage pole left by EWRA on Bletchley Road, Newton Longville
Reported via iOS in the Unauthorised signs category anonymously at 13:08, Sat 7 October 2023
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5071961.
Pole left close to old Brickworks entrance (former EWRA Compound B6) with sign removed as the hazard ceased on this road at the end of March 2023. Impacts on parish council grass cutting on the verge, and may possibly encourage fly-posting.
One of several items of TM signage/equipment left by EWRA who have been saying since they vacated Compound B6 off Bletchley Road in early April that it will be removed but have failed to act (it was going to be April, then May, then July, then August, then September and now October). We are now outside the maximum 6 month period set in Chapter 4, the Department for Transport's Traffic Signs Manual paragraph 1.15.2 for the removal of temporary signage
As part of our highway management strategy, unauthorised signs will be removed from the highway, removal will be prioritised according to highway safety, resource requirements and the interests of the community. The Council may exercise their discretion not to enforce in some situations (e.g. small scale charity events).
These signs will be held for 28 days and there will be a storage fee of the unauthorised signs that do not comply with this policy where applicable.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 13:08, Sat 7 October 2023
Update - We have carried out an inspection of the area and our assessment is that this issue is the responsibility of the Utility Company (Water board, BT, gas etc) We have reported the issue on your behalf to the relevant company responsible for that location. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. To ensure the report is actioned as quickly as possible by the Utility Company, you are able to report these issues directly to them. To assist you, below are the contact details for the utility companies operating in Buckinghamshire.
State changed to: Closed
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 11:23, Thursday 4 January 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.