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The hedge along the footpath outside Dropmore Infant School

Reported via mobile in the Hedge problem category anonymously at 09:22, Thu 28 September 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5039849.

This hedge, along Wooburn Common Road, just outside Dropmore Infant School, is hugely overgrown, making the footpath impassible without going into the road. It was first reported to the council in May 2022 and it has not been cut since then. Please can you cut it back as a priority, there is precious little space to park where you can walk your children to school along a footpath by this school. Having a massively overgrown hedge obstructing a significant chunk of this, forcing parents and children into the busy road is so dangerous. This hedge is not the schools responsibility, that was determined in May 2022. It is the councils responsibility to sort so please can you cut it.

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  • An officer will carry out an inspection within the next 10 working days and arrange to have the issue resolved as soon as possible after that.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 09:22, Thu 28 September 2023

  • Update

    We have now made an inspection of the report, the issue reported has been added to a package of works for this location and will be addressed when we are next in the area.

    There is no immediate action that is required at this stage.

    Please be assured, we will continue to monitor the area in line with our Highways Safety Inspection Policy

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 11:05, Wed 11 October 2023

  • Update

    We are very pleased to tell you that the issue reported has now been resolved.

    Alongside our safety inspection policy, reports from the public help us to keep the roads in Buckinghamshire safe.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 16:21, Thu 23 November 2023

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.