O/S 31 Wendover Way, Ayl
Reported via desktop in the Dead/diseased tree category anonymously at 11:01, Tue 26 September 2023
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5032458.
A tree has seeded itself outside the property boundary on the verge, and is rather large now, a branch has come down and is across the verge, this tree needs to be cut back as the roots are damaging the wall.
This has been passed to our maintenance team who will carry out an assessment of the tree and provide an update within 28 days.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 11:01, Tue 26 September 2023
We are currently having a tree survey carried out in Buckinghamshire, all of our highway trees are being inspected as part of this process. The survey identifies the location, any works required, costings and priority of the tree works. Rather than pay separately for a reactive survey, the trees at this location will be surveyed as part of this project.
However, there are some issues when we will not take any action
Tree blocking TV, satellite or radio signal - The company that provides your service is responsible for making sure that your service is not interrupted.
Issue with a neighbours tree - Buckinghamshire Council will not intervene in a dispute between neighbours. You have a Common Law right to remove branches from a tree that encroach onto your property, however, please note the following.
You can only remove those parts of the tree that cross the boundary of your property.
You have no legal right to access, cut or remove any part of a tree that does not overhang your property.
It is best to discuss any work with your neighbour before doing any work to their tree.
The cut material should first be offered back to the neighbour, they do not have to accept and dispose of this material if they do not wish to
If they do not accept the material, it is your responsibility to dispose of it.
You must first check the tree is not protected before any work is started.To find out if a tree is protected go to Tree Preservation Orders in Buckinghamshire.
Tree blocking light to a property - We do not prune or remove council owned trees to improve natural light for a private property (including obstruction of solar panels). If you wish to carry out any work on a tree, you must first check the tree is not protected before any work is started. How to find out if a tree has a TPO go to Tree Preservation Orders in Buckinghamshire.
Tree sap/blossom or falling leaves - We do not prune or remove trees we own to stop issues caused by tree sap, or falling leave, seeds or fruit. We also do not remove problem trees that cause these problems from private land. Honeydew or tree sap is caused by aphiids on some trees and can be a problem if it drips onto vehicles, glass or paved surfaces. If this happens, tree sap can be removed using warm soapy water.
State changed to: Closed
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 13:07, Wed 4 October 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.