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Outside 46/48 Northfield Road

Reported via desktop in the Blocked drain category anonymously at 18:15, Mon 25 September 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5030462.

New ticket - 5015191. Previous tickets still outstanding: Outside 46 Northfield Road 40171748 - These two drains are blocked by thick tree roots, your staff have already been and surveyed the collapsed drains and tried to clear them with their equipment. We were told that the tree roots were too large and heavy equipment would be needed to remove them, then the collapsed drains would need to be fixed. This should not come under your regular maintenance as your team has already attended. Therefore the ticket should remain open as our garage floods every time there is heavy rain. Thank you. The report's reference number is 40172001. Please quote this if you need to contact the council about this report.

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  • This has been passed to the Local Area Technician to investigate.

    We know that an important part of any road network is the drainage system which is designed to carry water away from the road surface. Even when a gully is clean and well maintained it will only cope with a certain volume of water at one time, a sudden and heavy downpour can still cause flooding especially if the road is in a low lying area.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 18:15, Mon 25 September 2023

  • Update

    We have completed our inspection of the issue and have made arrangements for it to be resolved within 6-8 weeks.

    Please be assured, we will continue to monitor the area in line with our Highways Safety Inspection Policy

    State changed to: Action scheduled

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 11:35, Mon 2 October 2023

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.