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Main Drainage from A404 blocked

Reported via desktop in the Flooding on a road/footpath category by Mr David Aitken at 11:54, Mon 25 September 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5028584.

Highway Draining Issues @ Whielden Gate, HP7 0NE. Whielden Gate is effectively a no through road which has 5 properties located in the road. From the access point off Whielden Lane adjacent to the junction of the A4004, Whielden Gate falls downhill until it levels out at the base opposite Whielden Gate House. The other 4 properties are a terraced block of 4 properties, numbered 1-4 Queens Head Cottages. We have lived here for 20years, (David & Rosalyn Aitken) and as such we are well placed to report on drainage issues experienced over time. No doubt you will have historical archived records of works done in the road however, despite several attempts to alert your offices of a serious flooding problem, the situation remains unresolved and as best I can, as a layman, I will try and highlight the issues. As you will see from the crude map attached, marked x is the drain grille which when it rains just cascades excessive water down the natural slope at Whielden Gate. This is located approximately opposite number 4 Queens Head Cottages on the left-hand side coming down Whielden Gate. This drain is meant to drain water NOT discharge it and clearly, the drain itself is blocked and as soon as there is any rain, literally it just overflows excessively and then carries sludge and debris down the road causing excessive pooling all the way down the left-hand side of the Road, without sounding OTT, it’s a mess moreover, an unnecessary inconvenience. Our House, Whielden Gate House is located at the lowest point of Whielden Gate and as such, whilst not an issue at present, when there is heavy rain, because of the blocked drainage system, we can visibly see water pooling above our drive which is best described as on a knife’s edge in terms of excessive water, ergo, it would only take a period of excessive rain to overflow from the road and into our cellar and ground floor area. Hopefully, this potential disaster can be averted and whilst we are insured, the fact remains that if ask

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  • This has been passed to the Local Area Technician to investigate.

    If the flooding is caused by a water leak we will report it to the relevant utility company to repair.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 11:54, Mon 25 September 2023

  • State changed to: Action scheduled

    Updated by Buckinghamshire Council at 12:04, Tue 10 October 2023

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